
Tuesday, 19 June 2012

My Cable car Graph

Tyler's Cable car went the furtherest he went 8 metres. Fine's cable went the shortest distance of 3 metres. My cable car went 6.52 metres. Alazay's cable car came second to last by 3.6 metres.

Creedence's Cable Car Instructions

Creedence's art reflection

Art: Reflecting on

1. Are you pleased with your Hot Air Balloon? why / why
Yes, because I got to paint it my favourite colours
2. What did you find easy when you made your Hot Air
Painting the balloon white
3. What part did you find tricky when you made your Hot
Air Balloon?
The ribbons
4. Who / What helped you when you made your Hot Air
Tevita and Miss Paton
5. What would you do differently next time? Think about:
Painting, Smoothing, Gluing of ribbon, Glittering and Time
Glittering and Painting
6. What frustrated you when you made your Hot Air
Doing my basket

Monday, 18 June 2012

                                           This is the comment I left Christopher

Creedence term 2 tasks to complete

These are the stuff I have finished and that I have not finished not finished most of my work. I have worked very hard.